Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Gay Indiana University Prof. Found Stabbed to Death at Home

The Chicago Tribune is reporting via the Associated Press that author Don Belton, assistant professor of English at Indiana University, was found stabbed to death in his home on Monday, by a friend who stopped by. 25-year old student Michael J.Griffin is being held without bond on charges of murder. Police where tipped off to Griffin's possible involvement by his girlfriend.

Griffin, a former marine who served in Iraq, says he went to Belton's home to confront him over a sexual encounter that took place on Christmas day. According to AP, an argument and scuffle ensued. Griffin told police he stabbed Belton with a 10-inch military style knife after Belton failed to "show or express any type of feeling that what had taken place was a mistake."

Police, who reported no signs of forced entry at the scene,  say Belton kept a detailed journal and had recently written about how happy he was that Griffin had come into his life.

My mother always said "You don't shit where you eat."
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