Thursday, December 24, 2009

"God hates Gaga"

Gaga performing "Paparazzi" on the F...Image via Wikipedia
What better way to celebrate the birth of your lord and savior than to point out yet another person that he hates? Those wacky folks at Westboro Baptist are at it again. This time they've decided they need to save the world from Lady Gaga. Yes, that's right. The Phelps klan is taking aim at the pop diva because of her support for LGBT equality and have promised to picket her concerts.

PinkNews reports:
The Kansas-based church, best known for its slogan of God Hates Fags, said in a press release it would protest outside a St Louis concert on January 7th.

Calling her a "sleazy God-hater", the church said: "'Art' and 'fashion' are the euphemisms, the guise under which proud whore Lady Gaga teaches rebellion against God."

Gaga has frequently spoken of her love for her gay fans and thanked them for their support.

Shirley Phelps-Roper, daughter of church leader Fred Phelps, told Radar Online: "We will be going to her concert with placards reading 'God Hates Lady Gaga' – to inform people that they will be going to hell too if they listen to her messages.

“According to the Bible homosexuality is an abomination and she has to shut her filthy mouth and stop promoting it.”
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