Sunday, December 13, 2009

Lesbian Annise Parker Wins Run-off for Houston Mayor

Annise Parker, Houston City Controller.Image via Wikipedia
The LGBT world is celebrating another victory this weekend. On the tails of the news that Uganda's "Kill the Gays" legislation may be amended to exclude the death penalty, comes word that openly gay democrat Annise Parker has won the run-off election for mayor of Houston, TX, the nation's fourth largest city, with 53.6% of the vote.

Saturday's run-off election became necessary when neither Parker or her opponent, fellow democrat Gene Locke, failed to receive more than 50% of the vote in November.

Parker has never hidden her sexual orientation and has served on the Houston city council. She has been the Houston City Controller for five years.

Prior to the election, Parker told CNN, "Houston is a multiracial, multicultural, international city. And I think my election will send a message to the world that Houston is a city that might surprise a lot of folks."

Parker has been in a relationship with her partner for nineteen years and the couple have two adopted children. Her homophobic democratic opponent made much of her relationship during the campaign, to which she says, "I have always stood up for the fact that I am gay. It's part of the resume that I bring to the table, but it's just a piece of the package." Houston voters would seem to agree.

This just the shot in the arm we needed in the wake of crushing marriage equality defeats in Maine and New York earlier this year. Mayor-elect Parker will take office in January.
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