Thursday, December 10, 2009

In the Dark at Morning Wood Acres, Day 2

American Electric PowerImage via Wikipedia
Just a quick update on the power outage. We're into day 2 without electricity. AEP is sayi9ng it might me Friday or Saturday. We have gas logs and the stove is gas, so we are staying warm and can heat water for washing up, etc. We've been through this a lot and have our emergency supplies at the ready. The trusty laptop has a 4 hour battery, so we can watch movies to help pass the time.

I've been posting from work on my breaks, so that why some of the e-mail alerts are a little behind. The feed goes out at around 10:00 am, so anything I post after that goes out the next day. The FaceBook feeds go out later in the day.

Gotta run. Have a great day and appreciate your hot showers. You don't know how important they are until you've spent a few days without them.
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