Friday, December 25, 2009

Cool Site of the Week: "Sketchy Santas"

In keeping with today's Christmas theme, my choice for this week's Cool Site is If you're like me and have a twisted sense of humor, than there's nothing better to take the edge off your holiday stress, than seeing department store Santas having even more stress.

At Sketchy Santas, you'll find reader-submitted photos of Santas through the generations posed with screaming brats, terrified toddlers and creeped-out kids. In some cases the kiddies are cool, it's the Santas that need some adult supervision.

What's not to love about a mom dressing up her kid in some ridiculous red and green outfit, dragging him/her across town to a crowded shopping mall, waiting for hours in line, then shoving that tired, cranky kid into the lap of a scary old man to pose for a picture?

Check it out at
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