Tuesday, December 8, 2009

NJ Lawmakers Vote 7 - 6 to send Same-sex Marriage Bill to Senate (video)

The New Jersey senate judiciary committee voted late last night to send the its marriage equality to the state senate for a vote that is expected to take place on Thursday. Over 1000 people from both sides of the issue packed the state house on Monday in an effort to sway lawmakers. Marriage equality advocates erupted in cheers after the 10:06 pm vote.

From NJ.com:
"During the marathon hearing, opponents — including Orthodox Jews and Catholic officials — argued that same-sex marriage would damage religious freedom and is not needed because the state already permits civil unions. Supporters -- including civil rights leaders and legal experts -- said gay couples do not have equal rights without being allowed to marry."

The judiciary committee heard testimony from hundreds on the issue, including NAACP chairman Julian Bond, who traveled from Washington, DC. Bond told the committee, "Like race, our sexuality isn’t a preference It’s immutable, unchangeable and the Constitution protects us all from discrimination."

Read more at NJ.com. Following are video highlights from the hearing.
Senate committee hears emotional testimony on same-sex marriage bill

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