Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Attention LGBT Veterans: DO Ask, DO Tell

Roanoke Equality needs your help. We are working with the Human Rights Campaign in a lobbying effort here in the Roanoke and Blacksburg areas to lobby Senator Jim Webb for his support on repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell. This will be just a small meeting in the senator's local offices with his staff. We need to hear from Gay and Lesbian vets who served under DADT and are will in to tell their stories and fight for their rights.

Senator Webb has said he wants to wait until after the Pentagon completes its year-long study on the effects of DADT repeal before he makes up his mind on the issue. This is not acceptable.

If you or anyone you know wants to take part in this exciting effort, please let me know. I am waiting to hear more details about the date, time and place for these meetings and will pass that info along as it is made available. The meetings will most like be during the week, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. You don't need to travel to DC to make your voice heard. These are local events. Please e-mail me at rev.stevescyberpulpit@yahoo.com to take part.
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