Monday, March 22, 2010

Virginia Continues Arrests Under Unconsitutional Anti-Sodomy Laws, Cooch says it's okay

Norfolk, Virginia attorney, Michael Hamar, a regular contributor to the Bilerico Project, wrote yesterday that Virginia's Attorney General, Ken Cuccinelli continues to press his anti-LGBT agenda and apparently his office has no respect for the U.S. Supreme Court or the U.S. Constitution.

It seems that Cooch thinks it's still perfectly legal in the commonwealth to arrest law-abiding citizens on sodomy charges, because Virginia's anti-sodomy laws are still on the books, despite being ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court in the 2003 decision in the landmark Lawrence vs. Texas case. One of Hamar's readers from Georgia, commented on an earlier article saying he called Cuccinelli's office to ask about reports that in some Virginia localities, men are still being arrested for sodomy:

I telephoned both the Office of the Governor of Virginia and the Office of the Attorney General of Virginia concerning the very public stance they've taken concerning non-heterosexually oriented persons in their state.

I also took this chance to complain to the Attorney General concerning a practice of some of Virginia's local law-enforcement jurisdictions, where they continue to make arrests for violations of Virginia's sodomy laws, imprisoning men for violations of those laws, then having the judges dismiss those charges when the men are brought to trial - not at arraignment, but at actual trial. I reminded the Virginia AG's Office of Lawrence v. Texas, and how the Supreme Court had issued a decision which negated all sodomy laws, nationwide.

The AG's Office informed me Virginia has not repealed their sodomy laws, so that arrest under those laws was still justified, and the process in place was correct: local jurisdictions follow the laws on the books, a trial court dismisses those charges to conform with federal court decisions; that was "how the system works."

Then the kicker: "Y'all don't even live here, so it really doesn't affect you. Goodbye." Click.

That's right, boys and girls, the Attorney General of Virginia thinks it's perfectly okay to ignore a ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court, which expanded the rights and freedoms of American citizens, but he expects Virginia's colleges and universities to adhere to his interpretation of laws restricting those same rights and freedoms. This is what we allowed to happen, folks.

In a related story, LGBT rights activist/blogger David Mixner reports this morning on his blog, "Live from Hell's Kitchen" that a massive student demonstration is being planned at George Mason University in Arlington for tomorrow during Cooch's speech there. Protesters are gathering at 4:00PM at the George Mason Law School on 3301 Fairfax City Drive in Arlington. GetEqual's Robin McGehee is helping to organize the protest rally. Check out GetEqual's FaceBook page for details.
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for keeping us informed Steven...I simply cannot believe that this is America in the year 2010....???!!! The energy and fearlessness and courage of our Universities and colleges here in VA and elsewhere in this country are coming alive with a real passion against obvious immorality and oppression. The many students are speaking loudly...and they are they all should be.
