Monday, March 15, 2010

Lesbian Teen Sues Over Cancelled Prom

With spring less than a week away, high school seniors all over the country are planning for their proms. But one Mississippi high school has dashed the hopes of its graduating class this year by canceling prom rather than allowing 18-year-old Constance McMillan to wear a tux and bring her girlfriend to the prom as her date. McMillan is now being represented by the ACLU and has filed a lawsuit for the right to attend the prom with her girlfriend.

The story has made headlines nationwide and McMillan appeared on "The Wanda Sykes Show" on Saturday night. Wanda praised McMillan's courage for standing up for her rights, despite the heat she has taken from fellow students over the cancellation of their prom. At the end of the interview, Wanda pointed out that she will be the recipient of a GLAAD Award next month and invited Constance to present it to her at the awards ceremony. You can view the full episode here.

A FaceBook group called "Let Constance Take Her Girlfriend to the Prom" has started in the last few days. As of this morning, group has over 245,000 fans. Constance posted the following video to thank her supporters.

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