Tuesday, March 2, 2010

No Spousal Benefits for Catholic Charities Employees in DC

In its ongoing effort to spread Christianist love, the Archdiocese of Washington has decided that since it can't coerce the District of Columbia into backing away from marriage equality -- and to maintain its right to discriminate in the name of Jeebus -- it will no longer offer spousal benefits to any new employees.

Current employees will continue to receive any benefits they currently receive, but in a move reminiscent of Seinfeld's Soup Nazi, employees hired after March 2, 2010 will not be able to add their spouses to their employee health insurance coverage. Same-sex marriage will become legal in DC on Wednesday, March 3rd.

The Washington City Paper reported Monday:
The Archdiocese of Washington has been battling the D.C. government for the right to discriminate against gays and lesbians since D.C.’s same-sex marriage legislation got rolling last year.

One major point of contention: Once gays and lesbians are allowed to marry, the Archdiocese—which employs plenty of locals through Catholic Charities—will be required to provide health benefits to same-sex spouses, an act which it says would fly in the face of the Catholic church’s teachings on homosexuality.

The solution? No spousal benefits for anybody.

Today, Catholic Charities President and CEO Edward Orzechowski sent out a memo to staffers informing them of the change to the health care coverage, which will go into effect tomorrow.

In short: If you and your spouse are already enrolled in Catholic Charities health coverage, your spouse will be grandfathered in. Starting tomorrow, however, new employees (or newly married employees, hint hint) will not be allowed to add spouses to the plan. So: Longtime employees will receive the spousal benefits they’ve always had; Catholic Charities will get to keep its pool of covered spouses gay-free; only fresh employees and gays will feel the sting on this one.
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