Friday, March 19, 2010

GetEQUAL Activists Stage Bi-Coastal Sit-ins in Pelosi's Offices (video)

What a day for LGBT activism yesterday! Activists from GetEQUAL staged sit-ins in the San Francisco and Washington DC offices of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday in an effort to push the speaker to take action on the passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA).

According to en email blast from GetEQUAL, members "won't leave until Speaker Pelosi commits to bring the Employment Non-Discrimination Act to the floor for a vote this month – or until they are arrested."

Well that's exactly what happened in DC and San Fran. The coordinated bi-coastal protests took place within hours of  Lt. Dan Choi and Capt. Jim Pietrangelo taking over an HRC photo op with Kathy Griffin in Washington. Choi then led a march to the White House, where he and Pietrangelo chained themselves to the fence. The twowere arrested with activist Robin McGehee, founder of Meet in the Middle and an organinzer of the National Equality March.

The following video was posted on YouTube by GetEQUAL just minutes before the sit-ins took place.

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