Thursday, March 4, 2010

This Queer Little Planet: Marriage Equality Begins Today in Mexico City

Gay and lesbian couples in Mexico City are joining their northern cousins in DC in celebration as same-sex marriage becomes legal today for the first time anywhere in Lain America. The Washington Post reports:

MEXICO CITY -- The Mexican wedding may never be the same.

On Thursday, this sprawling megalopolis will catapult to the front lines of gay rights in Latin America when a city law legalizing same-sex marriage and adoption goes into effect.

The prospect of gay marriage has sent tremors through the Catholic Church, drawn the opposition of President Felipe Calderón and his conservative National Action Party (PAN), and spotlighted the power of Mexico City's center-left Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) leaders to advance a liberal agenda that contrasts with provincial traditionalism.

Mexico allows the federal district of Mexico City to pass its own laws, and the metropolis of more than 20 million people has become a major battleground in the culture wars playing out across the Americas.
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