Friday, March 19, 2010

Ex Sues Lady Gaga for $35 Million

It was bound to happen. As soon as a woman in show biz makes it big, the ex turns up claiming credit for all of it. CNN reports this morning that Lady Gaga's (real name Stefani Germanotta) ex-boyfriend/ex-manager Rob Fusari is suing the pop diva for $35 million claiming that he invented her name, her sound and look and co-wrote and produced songs on her debut album, including "Paparazzi" and "The Fame"
From CNN:
The story starts with 20-year-old Germanotta riding a bus from Manhattan to Fusari's studio in Parsippany, New Jersey, to work on music in the spring of 2006. "Fusari was expecting someone a little more grunge-rocker than the young Italian girl 'guidette' that arrived at his doorstep and was worried that he had made a mistake," the court papers said.
"Fusari then asked her to play one of her songs on the studio piano and within seconds, (he) realized that Germanotta had star potential. The trick would be coaxing it out of her."
While Fusari thought Germanotta's songs were brilliant, they lacked commercial appeal, the suit said. "He pushed her to explore different musical genres," it said.
"Over the course of the next several months, Germanotta commuted from New York to Jersey seven days a week, radically reshaping her approach. They put their focus on writing music and finding a sound for her." Fusari takes credit for convincing her "to abandon rock riffs and add dance beats. He demonstrated how the sound of a drum machine would not hurt the integrity of her music."
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