Friday, March 26, 2010

Dame Edna: All the Single Ladies (video)

Okay, have we officially worked this thing to death?

Everybody and his dog has a video on YouTube of their kid, their cat, their cheer squad or their grandma doing the dance routine from "All the Single Ladies". Speaking of Grandma, here's Aussie housewife turned international super star, Dame Edna Everidge doing her rendition of the Beyonce hit in her Broadway show.

Honestly, I love Barry Humphries doing Dame Edna, but watching this clip, I was afraid she's have a coronary or fall and break a hip. Can we officially stop doing these parodies now?

Fortunately for Dame Edna, the self-proclaimed "simple haus frau", with those beefy back up dancers around, she won't need to get a Life Alert.

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