Friday, March 26, 2010

Dan Choi Returns to the Scene of the Crime, The Rachel Maddow Show (video)

Lt Dan Choi made headlines last year for coming out on the Rachel Maddow Show and he's been making headlines ever since for his fight to end Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Last week Lt. Choi interrupted an HRC event in DC, then led a march to the White House, where he chained himself to the fence with another gay serviceman, Capt. Jim Pietrangelo.

Lt. Choi returned to to the scene of his crime last night, one year after his first visit. Choi and Maddow talked about Secretary Gates' announcement yesterday about supposed changes in the policy, specifically that  that the military will no longer ask personnel whether they're gay, which they're not supposed to do anyway, under the 17-year-old policy.

The "new" guidelines are not the stop-loss we had hoped for, but are intended to execute the discriminatory policy "more humanely". Third parties who attempt to out gay and lesbian personnel will no longer be able to do it anonymously, but will be compelled to testify under oath. Investigations can only be launched by officers with a rank of one-star general or above.

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