Thursday, March 18, 2010

Blog Swarm Strikes Again: Call Speaker Pelosi and Demand Action on ENDA

Just received this message this afternoon from the Bilerico Project's Bil Browning:

Hello my fellow bloggers and general trouble makers,
Bilerico Project is leading a blogswarm today to demand that Speaker Nancy Pelosi move the Employment Non-Discrimination Act to a House vote. ENDA is the bill that would provide employment protections for LGBT people. It's currently stuck in committee as it waits for markup. Rep Andre Carson, Tammy Baldwin, and Jared Polis all personally promised (on video and in a guest post on TBP) that the legislation would be voted on by the end of March this year when it was postponed last year. So far, nothing has happened all year.
To participate, just call Speaker Pelosi's office and demand that ENDA get some movement. At the end of our post is a link to a form you can fill out to tell us what any staffers have to say.
Dr. Weiss has been leading the charge for ENDA in the blogosphere and she's put together an impressive array of top LGBT and political bloggers for this swarm - including some folks outside of our usual circle. About 30 sites are original participating co-sponsors and some queer papers and magazines are also participating. It should be an interesting day as readers grasp what's going on and also take action offline.
Will you help the swarm by blogging about ENDA today and linking our article? Will you put our post (and yours!) on Facebook and tweet it, add it to Reddit, Digg, etc? If you post about it, send me a link and we'll add you to our list of participating sites in a roundup of today's events.
Thanks for any help possible,

Please call Speaker Nancy Pelosi at 202-225-4965. Ask that the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, HR 3017, move to a vote.

For more info, visit the Bilerico Project.

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