Friday, March 12, 2010

Viking Zombie Boyfriend by Jeremy Rizza (3-13-10)

Well here we are folks, better late than never. I apologize for the delay in getting this week's VZB posted. Jeremy had some technical difficulties that prevented him from uploading earlier in the week. To be honest, with everything that's been going on this week, I neglected to check Jeremy's site again to see if he'd gotten everything worked out. My bad.

This week we have an appearance by DeLugg who helps us to see the complex love-hate dynamic of gay male friendships.

Let's face it, most of our friends annoy the hell out of us, but that's the price you pay for agreeing to still be friends after you break up with someone that you've had a deep and meaningful 2 to 4 week relationship with. Besides, it's so entertaining to watch after you push them to get into relationships that has no chance of working out.

Posted with the permission of the artist. Click on the image to embiggen.

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